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      成都鍍鋅方管價格或震蕩運行廠家積極出貨為主成都鍍鋅方管價格或震蕩趨強運行廠家成交一般今日成都鍍鋅方管市場價格大幅上漲。本地市場:據了解,今日市場大幅上漲,成交放緩。受期貨震蕩趨弱影響,下游需求釋放放緩,市場有恐高心理,觀望情緒濃厚。另外市場方管廠家積極出貨為主,隨著 期貨的趨… 成都市場鍍鋅方管價格預計元宵節過后震蕩上漲成都鍍鋅方管價格或震蕩趨強運行廠家成交一般成都鍍鋅方管市場價格大幅上漲。本地市場:據了解,今日現貨價格大幅上漲,有價無市。一是下游工人復工預計元宵節過后;二是價格大漲,主要是原料端支撐與方管廠家冬儲占比較大有關。消息面: 川內電爐廠復…

      成都鍍鋅方管市場價格持穩。本地市場:據了解,今日市場價持穩運行,成交一般。下游需求釋放緩慢,商家交投氛圍一般。另外,方管廠家方面:威鋼、德勝對矩形管組距有調整,Ф12-14規 格在Ф18-22的基礎上加價80元/噸,Ф16、Ф25規格在Ф18-22的基礎上加價50元/噸,Ф28-32規格在Ф18-22的基礎上加價150 元/噸,HRB500E(四級抗震鋼筋)在同規格HRB400E(三級抗震鋼筋)基礎上加價240元/噸。消息面:據中國工程機械工業協會統計數據顯 示,2020年11月份,納入統計的25家挖掘機制造企業共銷售各類挖掘機32236臺,同比增長66.9%;目前來看,行情處在傳統淡季,但是現貨價格 仍有原料支撐,重點關注后期外省資源到貨情況。預計明日成都市場鍍鋅方管價格或震蕩趨強運行。

      The market price of galvanized square pipe in Chengdu is stable. Local market: it is understood that today's market price is stable and the transaction is average. The release of downstream demand is slow, and the business environment is general. In addition, the square pipe manufacturers: Weigang and Desheng have adjusted the spacing of rectangular pipes. The price of Ф 12-14 specifications is increased by 80 yuan / ton on the basis of Ф 18-22; the price of Ф 16 and Ф 25 specifications is increased by 50 yuan / ton on the basis of Ф 18-22; the price of hrb500e (grade IV seismic reinforcement) is increased by 240 yuan / ton based on the same specification of hrb400e (grade III seismic reinforcement). News: according to the statistics of China Construction Machinery Industry Association, in November 2020, 25 excavator manufacturing enterprises included in the statistics sold 32236 excavators of various types, with a year-on-year increase of 66.9%; at present, the market is in the traditional off-season, but the spot price is still supported by raw materials, focusing on the late arrival of resources from other provinces. It is expected that the price of galvanized square tube in Chengdu market will fluctuate stronger tomorrow.

      方管價格方面,現達鋼、威鋼產Φ8-10mm高線市場價格為4190元/噸,持穩,成實產Φ8-10mm高線市場價格為4170元/噸,持穩;鍍鋅方管方面,達 鋼、威鋼產Φ18-22mm矩形管市場價格為4110元/噸,持穩;成實產Φ18-22mm矩形管市場價格為4100元/噸,持穩;龍鋼產Φ8-10mm 高線市場價格為4170元/噸,持穩;龍鋼產三級抗震Φ8-10mm方管市場價格為4240元,持穩。

      In terms of square tube price, the current market price of Φ 8-10 mm high-speed wire produced by Da Gang and Weigang is 4190 yuan / T, stable, and the market price of actual production of Φ 8-10 mm high-speed high-speed wire is 4170 yuan / ton, stable; in terms of galvanized square pipe, the market price of Φ 18-22mm rectangular pipe is 4110 yuan / ton, stable; the market price of actual production of Φ 18-22mm rectangular pipe is 4100 yuan / ton, stable; the market price of Φ 8-10mm produced by Longgang is stable The market price of high-speed wire rod is 4170 yuan / ton, which is stable; the market price of Φ 8-10 mm square tube produced by Longgang is 4240 yuan, which is stable.

      成都鍍鋅方管價格或震蕩趨強運行廠家成交一般方管 成都鍍鋅方管市場價格持穩。本地市場:據了解,今日市場價持穩運行,成交一般。下游需求釋放緩慢,商家交投氛圍一般。另外,方管廠家方面:威鋼、德勝對矩形管組距有調整,Ф12-14規 格在Ф18-22的基礎上加價80元/噸,Ф16、Ф25規格在Ф18-22的基礎上加價50元/噸,Ф28-32規格在Ф18-22的基礎上加價150 元/噸,HRB… 成都鍍鋅方管價格窄幅高靠廠家到貨不多方管 成都鍍鋅方管價格窄幅高靠,市場方面: 現主流規格售價在4400-4420元/噸。據當地貿易商反饋,方管廠家到貨不多,正常每個月鍍鋅方管訂貨量是1.2-1.5萬噸,近三個月方管廠家平均 每個月只給了我們三四千噸,市場流通資源有限,貿易商惜售情緒濃郁,報價整體上行,成交方面,漲后下游及中間商觀望拿貨,市場整體成交一… 成都鍍鋅方管價格將以持穩運行為主廠家觀望后市方管 成都市場鍍鋅方管價格暫穩,市場需求偏弱。原材料方面,今日唐山瑞豐帶鋼:285-360mm報4010元/噸降30元/噸,495-635mm報4020元/噸降10元/噸,685-880mm 報4020元/噸降10元/噸。原料帶鋼較上周同期價格上調60元/噸,市場鍍鋅方管價格較上周同期同步上漲30元/噸。上周至今周成都市場鍍鋅方管價格呈現 先漲后跌震蕩運…
      辛苦整理!轉載請注明來自 http://www.lxspray.com/show.asp?id=2507






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