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      27日內方管市場價格上行為主,今日145方管開盤較昨漲20,主流方管廠家報3900元/噸,早盤期貨高開高走,但整體市場成交較弱,僅個別廠家出清日 產,但鋼坯早盤漲20,有成本端支撐,小方管價格居高不下,午盤期貨再次上揚,刺激了下游心態,多家小方管廠家停售,成交漸好。唐山355方管主流漲 50,今期螺大幅走高,貿易商跟漲意愿明顯,但市價走高后回歸穩定,下游恐高心理嚴重,因此市場價格較今晨回落10-20。目前下游需求以及市場成交都不 理想,但受環保限產影響,目前市場資源較為緊張,供需兩弱的情況下,在期螺以及商家心態強勢,加上環保限產預期加持,市場下行阻力明顯,并且第二輪中央生 態環保督察將于近期啟動,因此方管價格有強力邏輯支撐;華東華南地區今日方管價格穩中上行,受北方方管市場漲價影響,當地市場報價繼續拉漲,然而下游需求跟進 不足,成交疲軟,目前終端按需采購,心態均不溫不火,鋼價上行動力不足。同時當前貿易商資源偏少,規格又出現短缺現象,資源惜售逐步突顯,個別方管廠家持貨觀望,綜合來看,短期方管市場價格受限產因素影響預計高位盤整運行。

      On the 27th day, the price of domestic square tube market rose mainly. Today, 145 square tube market opened 20% higher than yesterday. Mainstream square tube manufacturers quoted 3,900 yuan/ton. Early futures opened higher, but the overall market turnover was weak. Only individual manufacturers cleared Nissan, but the billet early rose 20, with cost-side support. Small square tube prices remained high. Midday futures rose again, stimulating the downstream mentality, many small square tube manufacturers stopped. Sales, business is getting better. Tangshan 355 square pipe mainstream rose 50, snails rose sharply in this period, TRADERS'willingness to follow the rise was obvious, but after the market price rose, returned to stability, downstream fear of heights was serious, so the market price fell 10-20 compared with this morning. At present, the downstream demand and market transactions are not ideal, but due to the impact of environmental restrictions on production, the current market resources are relatively tight, supply and demand are weak, in the case of snails and strong business mentality, coupled with the expected support of environmental production restriction, the downward resistance of the market is obvious, and the second round of central ecological environmental protection supervision will be launched in the near future, so the price of square control has strong logical support; The price of the local market continues to rise due to the rising price in the northern market. However, the downstream demand is insufficient to follow up and the transaction is weak. At present, terminal purchasing is on demand. The mentality is not warm and the upward power of steel price is insufficient. At the same time, there is a shortage of TRADERS'resources and specifications, and the sale of resources is gradually highlighted. Individual managers hold goods and wait-and-see. Generally speaking, short-term market price constraints affect the expected high consolidation operation.

      方管價格方面:唐山熱軋方管(2.5*355mm)唐山瑞豐3880較昨漲50;天津熱軋方管 4.0*(480-570)天津榮鋼3910較昨漲40;無錫熱軋方管(2.5*355mm)中天3960漲10,萊蕪熱軋方管2.5* (232-355)萊鋼3850持穩。

      辛苦整理!轉載請注明來自 http://www.lxspray.com/show.asp?id=322


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